Palmistry by email I really enjoyed reading it

Hi Gary! Thank you so much for your reading! I really enjoyed reading it because of so many things, which you have seen. I’m an English and geography teacher, that’s why you saw me in contact with so many children. Especially, I was impressed that you see two people who are dead who are still close to me. I accompanied them both when they were dying from cancer years ago and I do feel that I ‘m still in contact with them. You have seen that I have a sense for rhythm- well I am a singer, drummer and bass player. At the moment I wish to play in a nice band again so I will ask the universe to send me some good opportunities… I have started reading your book and I really enjoy it too. I have been interested in these things for a very long time and have read lots of books about it and I am trying to work with the law of attraction, although in busy times I sometimes tend to forget about it… Thank you so much for your inspiration!
Best wishes, Julia

Palmistry by email: All I can say is my jaw has dropped on every line I read

Hi Gary; I just finished reading your report. All I can say is my jaw has dropped on every line I read. All you have said were exactly true as if you have known me for years. And the most amazing part was to read about returning home to England. I am Turkish but I am just in the process of shifting to London with my two children girl and boy. And yes, I am divorced and have no one in my life. Regarding teaching, I just had the most amazing experience in delivering a training for the first time and has been praised with many appreciation. I am also connected to USA, because my brother lives there. Again many many thanks… God Bless You…
Warm Regards, Kim

Palmistry by email

Hi Gary, I’m really amazed by your reading. Thank you so much! You are right. I just start my career around half year, it is a management and account position. In these few months, I’m start feeling I’m enjoy in this job. I hope I can keep the enjoy in the job. Also like Zoe said, the personal characteristic part, it really feels who been knowing me for so long. It is so accurate! Last, I just wanted to say a really big thanks again.
Warm Regards, Kelly

Palmistry by email

Hi Gary, Thank you so much for doing the reading for me. I’ve alway been amazed by your reading, they are so accurate! In the report, you mentioned that there is new changes in my career, I was being laid off last year and been thinking what i want to do for my career and then i decided i want to do something that i really love. And here i am in Mauritius doing a Scuba Dive Master training Course and I want it to become my career to share my hobby and to teach! Also the personal characteristic part, It feels like the report was written by someone who been knowing me for so long.
With many thanks, Zoe

Palmistry by email

Hi Gary Thanks for the reading. Quite interesting. Not knowing anything about me, very impressive reading Personality and characteristics spot on I’ll be in London in a couple of weeks at which time I hope I can see you one on one Thanks for enlightenment Remain blessed

Spot on

Hi Gary, Its great to see that you are doing really well. I think our daughter Julie has been in touch with you a while ago, your reading of her palm when we first met you staying in Goa was absolutely. She divorced after less than two years, then met an American (you’d asked her what the American connection was) married him and they adopted a baby girl who is now 2years 5 months, who is absolutely gorgeous. I believe you had told Julie she would have a girl. They are living in America as her husband is in the US Air Force.
Love and best wishes
Chris and Eric xxx

Dear Gary

I hope this email finds you well. A friend of mine told me about you and the beautiful experience that she had. I would like to have it too. Is it possible meet you? I would like 12- 20 minutes with you for the hands reading. Please let me know if it is possible. Thanks
Best regards, Angela

And if you could still remember

And if you could still remember you told me as you saw him in my vision that he has beard , and said i will have two sons and i have one now. you also said that that someone will come in august. all this time am trying to see all of these signs. few days before he came back from america in aug, he said to me frankly that one of his wish in life is to have a son which made me a little bit triggered, then second came in aug as you said, but i looked closely on him, he didnt grow beard :))). i still moved on like it doesnt matter. but just last sunday i saw in his picture that he has started to have a properly shaped beard. you also told me that i might be in america but not sure if i will work there, now he is convincing me to take licensure exams in new york as nurse as he wish to move to america in the near future and he wants me atleast close to him. you also said you see me as surrounded by children, that im still waiting for. and that i will receive a large sum of money , my boss promised me a bonus for my year end bonus but that i dont know when too. gary, all this time, you know i trusted you. i believe i did not commit mistake in doing so. you are impressive. thank you for extending your abilities on my needs for direction. if i will have a son, will you be a godfather? Winking face

He gave me hope at a time when I need it most

Hi Denize, I just want to say a big thank you to Gary and yourself for my reading today, he gave me hope at a time when I need it most. I bought the book as well and am reading through it 🙂 I would like to also book myself in for a reiki healing session with Gary in November during the week starting from the 4th as I will be available for that week as I have taken time off work, please let me know what day and time is suitable. Thank you so much again.

I came last Saturday in Camden

Hello Gary, I am Claudia, do you remember me? I came last Saturday in Camden…I was the Italian girl with warm hands. I just want to tell you thank you because you gave such a good energy that I’ve been felt really good since that day… You gave me good inputs! I don’t remember all the things you told me (especially about love) but I think I am going to come to see you again soon… Maybe I am going to stay longer next time!
Thank you, Claudia

Palmistry by email: Palmistry is an interesting art and you have an amazing gift.

Gary, Thank you so much for the reading! I really appreciate all the time and care you put into it. The reading is something that I will read and reread, in order to process it fully. Thank you. Everything you shared about my past and present was accurate–and based on your insights of my future, it sounds like there is much to look forward to. 🙂 Palmistry is an interesting art and you have an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing it!
Best wishes, Arini

I still hear that sound of silence in my heart

Hello Denize, Yes,that was really nice to meet you too. You know,when I left your house, I nearly felt asleep on the walk,that peaceful and calm was getting to my usually “hard working” brain , and I still hear that sound of silence in my heart. Just amazing, and I say hugeThanks Gary… Hope to see you soon

You gave me a palm reading a year ago or so –

My name is Luiza, you probably don’t remember me… You gave me a palm reading a year ago or so – I was there with a friend of mine (I am Polish but living in Ireland). Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the accurate reading you gave me. You told me that I am a creative person and I will start my own business soon. Since then, I have self-published a little book (just for myself and for fun mainly) and I am just about to set up my fashion business. I’m still waiting for the love of my life but I’m hoping for the best. Once again, thank you for your good words and your positive energy.
Kind regards, Luiza

A lot of what he told me about myself was so accurate..

Hi Denize, Thank you very much, i thoroughly enjoyed speaking to Gary this afternoon. A lot of what he told me about myself was so accurate..especially when he said i should look after my feet..funny..but so true. He also said things that were intriguing and thought provoking, which was brilliant. I wish it had lasted longer..(8min), but unfortunately my time was a bit limited. A longer session in future will be a definite must. I will definitely speak to Gary again in 2-3 months time, to learn more. ( Time it takes to the hand to transform?..had thought to stick my hand in the microwave to speed things up, but unfortunately things don’t work like that!!) Looking forward very much to my next session.. I will certainly drop by and say hello to Gary the next time i am at Camden Lock.. Thanks again Denize + Gary

I recently saw the interview you did with Lilou

Hello Gary, I recently saw the interview you did with Lilou, online. It was really enjoyable and I am fascinated by your presence and your talent. I’d like to purchase a full email reading by email. Thanks for your attention
Arini USA

I particularly love what you say about the priority in Palmistry

Thank you so much for taking the time to write me this beautiful response! I know you must be very busy. I particularly love what you say about the priority in Palmistry being to give guidance and help to others. I actually live in Beijing at the moment where there is a fair bit of interest in Palmistry, among Chinese and ex-pats alike, but rather unclear laws about how to practice. I know now that I’ll find a way. I feel so motivated by your words — thank you. If you’re around the next time I visit London, I’ll be sure to book an appointment with you.
With love and light, Karen

A little bit of relief

Thank you very much for the reading. It was something that i really needed. Can’t really explain the feeling, but yeah. A little bit of relief. Thank You
Regards, Mollie

Shocking indeed

Θα το πω κι αυτο και οπως το παρει ο καθενας: Five years ago, Gary Markwick, a well-known palmist in UK whom lots of famous people and politicians trust for his insight, read my hand. Shocking, but this was what he said to me: ” Elena, first of all I see a divorce-you will get divorced. Then I see a change in your career, something serious will happen in your country that will change your plans. You will move to somewhere far away. For some reason I see Australia”. Five years had gone already…I am a person controlled by pure logic but still, how true your insight was. Shocking indeed … You have my regards.
Kad Elena, Cyprus

I have to say I felt so comfortable

Gary is a great person and Palmist. He read my palm in 2010 and I have to say I felt so comfortable around him and when he read my palm he was spot on. He has written many articles regarding what he does and appeared publicly on television, yet he still remains so humble and approachable. Current he is away on work and I cannot wait for him to get back to the UK so I can go back to him for him to do a reading for me. He is the best in the United Kingdom and I would recommend him to anyone needing their palm read or any other holistic things done and read. Best

Hi Gary I want to express my thanks

Hi Gary I want to express my thanks and appreciation to you are the only one among those who read for me and predicted things that have happened to me. Can you read my palm again if the last reading was in April 2011?
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