You said a lot of things that ring true.

Gary, I just wanted to thank you for the reading on Saturday. You said a lot of things that ring true. Be good to yourself.
Love and sunshine, Sissi That weird girl who dreamed your number.

Your reading was very clear and gave me peace of mind

Dear Gary, I met you in Camden Market in September 2006 when I was visiting London with a friend. Your reading was very clear and gave me peace of mind regarding what was to happen shortly after I came home. I would now like a full reading by e-mail and I have just paid the money by Pay-Pal.
Kind regards, Anja, Denmark

The reading you gave me was amazing

Hi Gary, Hope you are well. I think you are back home by now from India and soon in Paris. Let me know when you’re around. The reading you gave me was amazing, you told me that I will sell my potteries to far away countries and hopefully, it’s going to happen I met people running very fancy shops in New York, Hong Kong ant Montréal but I have to Wait until September. I hope it’s gonna work out.
Lots of love Laure Paris France

I felt that I had received confirmation on various things on my mind

Hi Gary It was a pleasure to meet you and we both enjoyed talking to you. My brother and I both went away from the reading feeling very encouraged and positive. Also, I felt that I had received confirmation on various things on my mind. We are both working on tapping into our creative sides! Hope to see you again soon.
Kind Regards, Mandi

I personally enjoyed the experience

This is Eleonora; we met today in Camden together with my friend Libera, to whom you read the palm. It was really lovely meeting you because you are a very kind and positive person and I personally enjoyed the experience. I’m really looking forward to learn more about healing, personal development and law of attraction. Hope to hear from you when you’ll be ready to start the course. Thank you again Take care,
Eleonora UK/Italy

I know you cannot live your life around a reading, but it nice to know what is showing !

Thanks Gary for replying to my e-mail. Yes, I would love for you to do me another reading and unfortunately, I cannot get down to London this year, so I will have to do this by post. I had a reading from you last year and believe me I cannot begin to tell you how very accurate you were, incredible….. I know you cannot live your life around a reading, but it nice to know what is showing ! Many thanks; I shall get my hand photo copied ASAP
Angie UK

A very dear friend has met you and has spoken very highly of you

Dear Gary, A very dear friend (Sonia) has met you a couple of times and has spoken very highly of you. A girlfriend and I (possibly a couple of others) would love to have a private reading. If you have a moment to call on my mobile. Thank you Nathalie

As she thought you are a very accurate palmist

Hi Gary, My friend recommended I came to see you as she thought you are a very accurate palmist. Is it ok just to come along? Do you have an appointments system and when is the best time to see you?
Sharon, UK

You read my daughter’s palm last week in London

Hello Gary, You read my daughter’s palm last week in London. She was very impressed with your reading. I’d like to have my palm read and I understand how to send a copy of my palms, but how do I pay for your service since I’m in the United States. Hope to hear from you soon.

Gobsmacked to read this and see how it had actually happened!

Hi Gary I just wanted to let you know something amazing! Last November I came to see you in Camden Market. I brought along my friend too and you read my palm. You were correct on many things and picked up on my situations in my life perfectly! Anyway at the time, you said that although you couldn’t exactly say when, but that it wouldn’t be too far away, that I was going to meet a soul mate, either someone from the North of England of who was European/with strong European links. That we would need to communicate and as long as we did everything would be good. That we could have children a little later in life, it would be our choice to. At the time, I have to admit I disregarded it a little and almost had forgotten about it. Anyway 5 months later, I met someone from north and we got on really well, I thought he was lovely but something felt wrong and I ended it. Literally the next month, I met someone from Europe in my hometown (the first time I have ever met someone from another country and got on so well with!) and we immediately started dating. There WERE lots of communication breakdowns, which led us to have a shaky start, but since we sorted those out, we are stronger than ever and 5.5 months down the line, we feel we match so well and I feel I can genuinely call him a soul mate. A couple of months ago, I was going through some papers and I found the page from my reading (my friend had taken notes for me, so I wouldn’t forget what you had said!) and was gobsmacked to read this and see how it had actually happened! Anyway, so to get to my point, you told me the lines on your hands change every 3 months or so, so if I came back for another reading, might it say something different now? And my boyfriend wonders if he should go along with me and have his read – would our hands show similar paths if we were supposed to be together long term? Just wondered and hope you have time to answer this. Kind Regards and well, thanks!!

The experience was amazing; your accuracy of us both was unreal

Hello Gary, Just a short note to thank you for the readings you gave my daughter Lauren and myself. The experience was amazing; your accuracy of us both was unreal. You highlighted areas that are so relevant to us and previous discussions we had, no one could have possibly known. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family… We are off to New York to see our relatives. Take care, and see you in the summer.
Jeanne and Lauren USA

You could read not only my hands but my inner world as well

From: Elena with Maria (the two Greek sisters you saw) Hello Gary, I have to say that what you said was so true! You could read not only my hands but my inner world as well. I felt that. Thank you. It was really nice to meet you.
Regards, Elena xxxxx Athens, Greece

Uncertain future

Thanks Gary, Your Law of attraction course sounds really interesting! Sounds like I could use a place in your first class! The last 24 hrs have been a big turn around and I am determined to remain positive. There are people in the world with a lot more problems than me, and I really don’t have much to complain about. However, I believe that people have skills and gifts, which others don’t, and yours is the ability to have clarity and steer people in a positive direction without doing everything for them and making them weak. I know everything comes down to me, but it is a comfort to have someone like yourself who is gifted and open to come to for a little direction and encouragement. Especially when you have the ability to see a little further ahead than most, and it is an uncertain future, which is bothering me at the moment. I will let you enjoy the rest of you trip and look forward to seeing you for a reading when you get back. Have decided that it is up to me to make my own luck and the best of what I have. I am sure this experience is teaching me loads about relationships and my own weaknesses, which will only benefit me in the future. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I really appreciate being able to contact you like this. Yours sincerely
Tamra, Australia

If I had left it much later it could have been a different story

Hi Gary, Not sure if you remember me, you probably won’t but, I had a reading done with you in Camden market 3 weeks ago and I just wanted to say what an amazing experience it was and also how accurate! You told me I had to look after my throat and abdomen area and then last week I had a really sore throat but didn’t think I needed to go the doctor. I ended up going because I was scared that when you said, I need to look after those areas. The doctor told me I have glandular fever and it could cause my spleen to rupture (luckily it hasn’t and I’m getting better!) but still when they said that to me, I just heard your words ringing in my head, as cheesy as it sounds! But if I had left it much later it could have been a different story. Anyways just wanted to say thank you. I will come and see you again in a few months and see how things are going! Hope you have a good few months in India!

I have been wanting to get a reading lately but don’t trust just anyone

Hi Gary, I have been wanting to get a reading lately but don’t trust just anyone. I have open been thinking back to when I had a reading with you years ago but couldn’t remember your name & had no clue how to reach you. I was surfing the net for completely unrelated things & I stumbled onto the Camden Market site. You read my palm my years ago at Camden Markets. Some things that really made no sense at the time now have clicked & other things you said I have forgotten. At the time you mentioned you did some readings via the net with pictures supplied. Is there any way you can give me a reading?
Kind Regards, Simone

Unbelievable energy

I had my palm read by you on Saturday in Camden and I just wanted to say thank you, not only for the things you told me but also for the most unbelievable energy I felt from you (still feel it now!). I never physically experienced anything like that before and it’s made me think about delving even deeper into spirituality, meditation, healing, astrology, etc, etc… I have so much more faith now. So, thank you . . .
Love & Light, Tamsin

You are going to receive some money

You said to me on Sunday, you are going to receive some money, and I asked if it was the lottery… Well I found out today I’m due a tax rebate! Of at least £1200! Thank you!!!

You told me I could be a healing practitioner

Dear Gary, I would like to thank you for the Palmistry you did about 2,5 years ago in Camden. For me this was very important on my spiritual journey. I remember you told me I could be a healing practitioner and help other people. I now feel the time is right and I will attend healing courses. I feel my motivation in life has changed and that healing is something I would like to make a living of. Do you think I will be able to do so?
With my kindest regards, Eva

I can feel your energy and positivity

Hi Gary, It was really great meeting you yesterday! I don’t know what is going to happen in the future; but I can feel your energy and positivity and that’s enough to keep me uplifted and buzzing until now. You are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, Gary! I am sure it takes some ‘faith’ for people to cross path, and it did for a reason. I will have to tell you how I stumbled across your website when we meet!
Namaste, Nicholle, Malaysia

Again you were so accurate with everything

August 2009 I visited you again and brought my friend along to witness your amazing capability and talent!!! Again you were sooo accurate with EVERYTHING. As soon as you saw me, even though I smiled widely and greeted you happily, you looked directly at me and told me that I was under emotional stress. WHAT A SHOCKER because for the first time in MANY MANY years, I was actually under some emotional stress!!! You told me that the guy I recently started seeing is confused and needed some days to figure him self out. I knew in my heart something was not right in the last 3-4 days with him and low and behold the VERY NEXT DAY after seeing you in Camden, I got the phone call with him telling me on the other line that WORD FOR WORD he is CONFUSED AND NEEDED A COUPLE OF DAYS to sort out himself out. It’s been 2 weeks now and unfortunately he couldn’t MAN-UP to the fight/flight process of his emotions and feelings so he has ran away from this beautiful opportunity to have an amazing relationship. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU GARY!!!!!!!! You are an incredible light, a magnificent palm reader and just comforting to be around. I am bringing some more people to see you soon, maybe even today! Take care Gary, this is amazing!
Raquel X, Trinidad, S America
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