Amazing and totally true

Gary, I visited you earlier this year April (2009) and right away you knew I had surgery in the throat region. AND I DID!!! I had a tonsillectomy 2 weeks prior. There were many other things you said that were amazing and totally true. I knew I just had to return to see you again.

Kind enlightened soul

Hi Gary, Thanks again, for your reply. I was telling my mum about you and how kind of you to keep in touch and showing consideration in the moment I am experiencing. You are a kind person with an enlightened soul. Many could just have taken the money and see this in a very commercial way but you haven’t. Thank you once again. Always the Light for you and on your way.
Priscilla UK/Brazil

I was astonished

Hi Gary: You read my palm a few years ago and I was astonished what you said. I’m wondering if I might schedule to have a reading from you – preferably not in Camden market (too loud/ public).
Many thanks Best, Sonia

Just wanted to say thank you

Hi Gary Just wanted to say thank you so much for the reading I had on Sunday. I feel much more positive now. Take care.
Thanks, Chetna

I’m Marida the Italian girl

For you, dear Gary. I’m Marida; my name probably doesn’t mean anything to you. I’m the Italian girl who talked to you last Sunday in Camden (with my friend who couldn’t speak English and I translated for her your reading). I’d like to tell you that I’m very enthusiastic to have met you because you passed me some of your positive energy and in this moment it’s very important for me. Many Thanks again for the chat. A special hug
Marida, Italy

Happy New Year

Hi Gary, Happy New Year to you. I got myself a very good job in the end and everything you told me…well it is happening. All the best
Llinos, Wales

I changed my mind

Elena Kad commented on your wall; 1.You saw my divorce I did, last January… 2.You said you saw a change in my career there was, this year… 3.You said you saw a pain somewhere in my body-there was as well… If you see love and light, I will go for it! x x x” Let me introduce you to the rest (if you ever go to Camden Town in London, go and see him. I have to mention that I did not believe to these things before and my sister took me there that day. But after what I heard and what I saw happening this year… I changed my mind…
Elena Kad

Thank you for the reading and the confidence it gave me

Hi Gary I guess you won’t remember me, with so many people you must be seeing every day, but I would just like to let you know that one of the things you read from my palm at the beginning of January came true recently. I am a graphic designer and you read that I’d manage people and that a career change was coming up. Two days ago my bosses offered me a promotion to be a manager of a small team of people. When they made the offer the first thing that came to my mind was that reading and I found it hard to act surprised, after all I already knew it was coming! Thank you for your reading and the confidence it gave me and I wish you all the best, especially many happy customers!

Truely gifted

Hi Gary, Thank you for an insightful reading on Saturday, you were accurate about a lot of things and I went away feeling more positive. You are truly gifted and I’m glad I finally found you this time round. I look forward to the Reiki class, is it still on for next week Friday?
Warm regards Thai UK/Thailand

Bang on

Hi Gary, what you told me at the reading was bang on. I got 3 job offers on the table and I really don’t know which one to take??? If I take the best one I will not be able to go to Goa, because I have to commit for 6 moths and I am gutted from the thought of it. The second one is self employed, didn’t really want to do that, but its the best money, but money is not everything. The third one is working in a big country house, a hotel; I live in a cottage with my own car nearby. Its in Birmingham so will have to leave home. Ha… what a dilemma I’m in no proper job for months then they all come at once (like buses). Well, will let you know which one I go for (the country house sounds exciting) but no job prospects. Well, catch you soon, miss u both and hope you are ok. xxx
Sue, Manchester

Calming vibe about you

Hi Gary – it’s so nice to see your face! I don’t think you’ll remember me – I came for a palm reading once when I lived in England, just before a trip to India and Nepal where I did Reiki I. You had such a calming vibe about you, loved it, reminded me of an underwater dream I had once of Buddha as a woman:) So badly wanted to come to you to do Reiki II and III, but I’m living in South Africa again now. I hope you’re doing extremely well! Happy vibes for you:)
Talit, South Africa

Absolutely fascinating

Hi Gary, Thank you so much for my reading the other day… absolutely fascinating and something I had been meaning to do for ages so felt really good. If you still have the space I would love to join the Reiki I class on Tuesday 18th. Let me know if that works, if not then some alternative dates. Have a lovely weekend.

You certainly have an undeniable insight

Hi Gary, Many thanks for the palm reading, which I received this morning. You certainly have an undeniable insight – much of what you said rang true with me. I was curious about the extra line on my right hand palm; just below my fingers that no one else I know seems to have. A Palm reader in India told me this meant that people would listen to me (obviously, I choose to believe this! – But could you shed any light on this. Other than this, thank you very much for taking the time to read my palm and best wishes. Namaste! (Reply from Gary) Thank you for your email and compliments. Yes, it is correct what you have been told about the line below your index finger. It shows that not only will people listen to you but you will also be able to achieve certain things in life if you focus your mind towards it, and that you will be in charge of others in a managerial position in your career. Best wishes, Namaste Gary

Vision of a church in Rome

Hello Gary, I came to see you last Wednesday and we talked of Brazil. I just thought I’d send you a little update. I don’t know if you remember that you had a little vision of me standing in a church looking at an icon with a man in a city of many churches. The day after I met with you, I traveled to Rome to see a friend of mine. He is my ex-boyfriend, who I hadn’t seen for about 5 years, but we stayed in contact and he is a friend. On Saturday, we were walking around the Coliseums when he told me he wanted to take me to see a church with wonderful architecture and curious things – so we went. It was the church of Santa Maria Del Popolo. Inside was ornate and beautiful, but it so happened that above the altar, where a cross would normally hang, was an icon of the Virgin. I looked at this icon, and my position – you told me you saw me standing on the left and I was!

Well, your reading comes true again!

Dear Gary, Hope you are well, and it was nice to see you the other day. (Thank you for your reading!!) Just to let you know that I have got an enquiring call from one of my friends for someone looking for a person who can operate some graphic software. I was asked visit the person on the next day for discussion and got a job offer working for Stables Market, of course, in Camden Town. I have started to work from Monday, this week. I am now working as a freelance graphic operator making Interior design mock-ups. It was very much to say unexpected thing, It is just before the exam of aromatherapy course but I am happy to go for this new job. I would work only Monday to Friday so I do not think I would see you there in Camden, unfortunately. Well, your reading comes true again! Take care and hope to see you sometime soon! Best wishes,
Yuriko UK/Japan

I am still in Australia and so lost…

Dear Gary, I saw you in Camden the last weekend of January (on Sunday). I don’t know if you remember me but you have read on my palms that I would go far away and I am now in Australia! I have been working as a nanny for 2 weeks and had so many troubles with the family that I left! I am still in Australia and so lost… The man I love is Australian but I found out much news about him and he is in Dubai! We spoke over the phone and I know he loves me but I am feeling so lost here that my mind is full of questions without the answer!!! Could you please tell me how you would be able to help me as you already read my hands and as I am far away from London and if you can do anything to help me please? I know you were supposed to go to India (or Thailand?) but I hope that you would be able to answer me very soon. Many thanks in advance. Kind regards France. ——————————————————————————————– Dear Gary, Many thanks for taking time to reply to me. I hope you are having a good time in India. As soon as you will be able to do a work for me (maybe when you will be back in London), please let me know. I really appreciate your words and you give me hope again. I have found a new family where I am the nanny and it is ok for now. I am on the Gold Coast in Queensland State and it is so beautiful that I am going to listen to your words and try to enjoy the present. I do hope to go to Dubai to see the man of my life (I hope he is!!) and then we will see what will happen for the future!! But I decided to stay at the moment in Australia because I want to discover more the country and the culture. And because the reality is that my boyfriend is married (very bad marriage and he try to get out of it) I have to be patient! So going back to Europe is maybe not the right solution at the moment I think but I am not sure! That is why I email you! I believe in your words and I think you are such a great person! Many thanks again for your help…
Kind regards, France

I am a Japanese working in Iceland

Dear Gary, . I do not believe much in things such as palm reading nor astrology and things like that, and I had never thought in my entire life of having my palm read. Two years ago in Christmas, when I was walking around in Camden, I saw you reading palm and somehow I felt it would be ok to go for it, for no particular reason. I also thought it would be ok since I had no particular problem in my life, whatever you say would not affect me too much. I am not too much into spiritual things, but I do not want to be narrow minded, and I am sure there are so many things I am not aware of. Then, I came back to your palm reading for a couple more times whenever I was visiting London. On one occasion, you told me ‘You must try to let it go..’. I didn’t say anything about it at that time, but there was something I was having difficulty to let go, because of the matter of principle, at that time. After that, it became a lot easier for me, since I became conscious about that particular problem. (I have a tendency not to let things go easily, but once I am convinced that letting it go is the right solution, it becomes suddenly very easy.) Last Christmas, you told me, ‘Oh, there are more money going out than coming in.’ I thought it was odd, since I am an economical person and never spend more than I earn. I had forgotten about it until March, when Icelandic economy suddenly went down and the value of the currency (krona) became almost the half of what it used to be against Japanese Yen, and the market value of the apartment for rent went up, plus the inflation. My salary is the same, but all the other thing went up so drastically that it seemed like my monthly spending, however hard I economize my living , became bigger than what I earn. Yes, it is not a nice example, but it became true. Also, since you told this to me in advance, I was more conscious of my spending, so, it helped a bit, too. So, that’s about it for now. Well, you also told me lots of nice things that is waiting to happen in future. So, I am looking forward to see good things happening, too, and I will certainly let you know when that happens. Thank you and I look forward to the next palm reading session, Best wishes,
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