It is not often a person is so wonderfully surprised

Hi Gary, I came to you for an eight minute reading today at Camden Lock. I just wanted to extend my gratitude, and to remark again that your precision was truly remarkable in all aspects: my personality traits, my current situation, and my desires for the future. It is not often a person is so wonderfully surprised, so thank you. I think one of the nicest things you told me was that I would continue to work forever – this is a particular hope of mine: that I will be able to do work that I love, and to continue to study and learn until I die. Thank you once again for imparting some wisdom of your wonderful gift to me with such exactness; and I hope, as a result of my visit to you, I may be able to mend the ‘blockage’ you mentioned in one area of my life! All the best for the New Year 2013.
Kindest regards, Kate

To be honest, I was quite scared

Gary I came to see you today with my friend Heather, the spiritual healer. To be honest, I was quite scared, strange since I’ve known Heather and her beliefs for so long. However, you blew me away with your insight and absolute accuracy – you nailed me 100 per cent! Thank you so much – food for thought! Your book is on my list to buy…..

Hi Gary! from Italy with love

I was visiting you with my partner from Italy in Camden Town some years ago for palm-reading, and you had predicted that I’d get a new partner for many years and I would have had one or two children. Now that I live happily from some years with my partner I am 4 months pregnant with twins, I wanted to say hello and tell you you’re great! I’m doing a big publicity among my friends. Surely I will return to you again as soon as possible with my partner and two children too. With love, Stefania
Stefania, Italy


I was thinking about you and what you told me about my private and professional life. You foretold with great accuracy the timing of private and love life, now I hope the same for my professional life. As soon as I can I will come back to London to meet and thank you !!! Of course, I thank you on behalf of my partner since you were so accurate! Thanks again Warmest regards
Gloria, Italy

Big influence in USA develop,

Hi Gary, just an email to say you read my hand and there has been a big influence in USA develop, Regards

New Life Expo, New York USA

Just wanted to thank you for the great palmistry session, what you gave me in the New Life Expo, New York USA. You really are a great talent and spirit, and did give me lot of ideas and strength with your session. I wish you all the best, and have a wonderful travel to Asia See You in London or where ever the path leads.
Sausalido, Finland

My children’s book is a success

Hi Gary My children’s book is going well. To date have received 4 great reviews. I have been involved in children’s book week here in Australia, which reminded me so much of your reading you gave me in 2009, November. You said I would be around books and lots of children. Wow! How right you were Gary. Also a friend who runs the library at the International school in Singapore wants me to come over there in February next year to promote the book. Which brings me back to your/my reading – said I would be successful when I am 47. I turn 47 in February so not sure if that was your idea of success!!!!! I am actually looking at it in other ways too, as I feel like my spiritual path is escalating. This is for me perhaps the most exciting thing ever. Have a wonderful Xmas. Are you going to India again? Regards and best wishes
Goess, Australia

I’ve read about you in a magazine and I’ve just visited your website

Hi Gary, I’ve read about you in a magazine and I’ve just visited your website. I’d very much like to have a reading with you and wonder if you could let me know your availability and how much the reading costs. Would you recommend a face-to-face reading as more in-depth and accurate? Many thanks and best wishes

You cheered me up as I had been crying about my awful job!

Hi Gary, Hope you are well, I came to see you in Camden on Saturday, you cheered me up as I had been crying about my awful job! I’ve had a look at your leaflet and as well as psychic development and reiki I am really interested in Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy, do you still practice this? I’m wondering if I could have a session with you at some point, I’ve been thinking for a lot of time that this might be just what’s needed to help me in the future. Anyway if you could let me know that would be great. Thanks very much

I found that he’s a missionary and want me to believe in Jesus

Hello Gary My name is jasmine I’m from Israel I was in Camden in August and you read my hands. I just want to tell you. I don’t know if you remember that. But everything what you said came true!!! You told me that I will have relationship very soon and it’s not the man for me, and we will talk about to marry… You said I need to be with him, but its something I will found out about my self. I am with him 4 month and I feel all ready he’s not the guy for me and I found that he’s a missionary and want me to believe in Jesus and I feel its not my way. I’m not ready to break up from him, but I feel I’m starting to wake up, you also told me I will have business soon and it will be the same time I will be with him. Well after I am studying cosmetics now, you said we might live in Singapore, don’t know if it will because he want me to go with him to USA and I have family there too. I’m planning only to visit. Anyway I want very much you will say to me more what you see in my hand but I know its not possible right now Hope you to come visit in Israel again All the best
Jasmine Israel

Palmistry by email

Dear Gary Many thanks, I have now received the report. I have scanned through the report and your accuracy is quite amazing in spite of not having my date and place of birth. I shall enoy reading it in more depth tonight. I will probably make an appointment to come and see you in a few months so you can have a clearer view of my hands, but from what I have scanned so far you are spot on. Thanks!
Best regards, Gwen

I am very impressed

I am very impressed. Thank you very much for the palm reading; I’d thought I’d try it, as it is a first for me. Although I never gave you any pointers, the fact that you can deduce such detail from my hand, which was correct, I am very impressed. You deduced the exact details of what I am about. Hopefully, with people like us on the planet, we will teach the younger generation to follow their soul and not to court materialism and maybe the human race will then get to utopia. Keep up the good work!

You came highly recomended

Hi I was wondering if you had any openings tomorrow in the afternoon in Camden? I am from NYC but you came highly recommended! Thanks again!
Nina, NY USA

I came to Camden but you were always busy

Hi Gary, It was great to meet you today. You got great talent and positivity. I left my home today looking for you, since on many occasions I came to Camden but you were always busy. Thanks for your time today. Ele & I were talking after we meet you and we both agree that you are a special person and we are so happy to have met you. For me personally you have been today like a breath of fresh air. Looking forward to hearing about your courses. Thanks again.
Libera UK/Italy

I am a nurse practitioner who lives in Los Angeles…

Hi Gary, I am sure you don’t remember me. You read my palm in August; I came with my two daughters, 13 and 10… I am a nurse practitioner who lives in Los Angeles… One of the things you said is that I have a very strong protection, like-in accidents. Guess what… we were in a car accident about a week later and our car was totalled, but we all walked out without a bruise!!!! So now, I am trying to remember what else you said… Thank you and God Bless,
Grace, USA

You said I would be leaving very soon to the Americas

I had my palm read by you in August 07 and you said I would be leaving very soon to the “Americas”, nothing was planned at the time but here I am, living in South America now! You had amazing energy and I’ll never forget it.
Love and light, Tamsin

I was pleasantly surprised to see you in Camden

Hi Gary, I was pleasantly surprised to see you in Camden when you read my palm on Saturday. One tries not to give too much away and I am not sure whether I did achieve this. I should say, however, that I was impressed by your reading, it was quite accurate, except for the reading into the future, only time will tell. Again I thank you for your wisdom and hope to bump into you again sometime.

There is nothing you have said that does not relate to me

Hi Gary, Many thanks for the reading. It was very accurate in all aspects. There is nothing you have said that does not relate to me. I do have lots of energy and passion and have been looking at how to use this in the future, you are right I am happiest when helping people or using my creative side. Thank you

I would like to thank you for your reading you gave me

Hi Gary, I am a bit late in sending this but I would like to thank you for your reading you gave me. I found it really interesting. Its nice that some things you told me will happen in the future have been said to me in a previous reading. I am definitely interested in developing psychically but I need some money to come in first, which you said doesn’t happen for a while! Dammit! Hope you are well.
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