
Now It Begins, by Gary Markwick is definitely different than the books I’ve been reading and reviewing over the last couple of months.  Now It Begins is a sort of self-help book, but I hesitate to categorize it with a lot of those ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ books because it wasn’t like that.  It was better.

Now, I’ve always got some sort of spiritual, meditation guide or something similar by my bedside that I like to flip through when things get overwhelming.  Now It Begins is definitely one that I would add to that pile.

Markwick carefully blends a level of spirituality with traditional self-help techniques to create a wonderful guide to bettering things in your life.  I was drawn instantly by the cover and didn’t regret a single page.  Even if you feel that your life is great– perfect even– give this book a try.  It’s something you won’t regret having around.

I’m giving this book five stars without question.


Hi Gary,

I have read it with greate joy and it touched me in al, the pages as I am from India.
Thank you very much for a your book again.


Mutturaj Hulagabal


Dear Gary,

I hope this email finds you well. How have you guys been doing?
I don’t know if you remember me, but I had a session of Palm reading with you last month and I bought your book “Now it Begins”.

I would like to tell you it has been a life changing read. Every circumstance, example mentioned in the book has changed something in me positively and I am glad I met you guys and had the chance to read your book. I am recommending it to all my friends and family.

Have an amazing day ahead.
Kind regards,
Himani ?


Hi Gary,

I received your book from Amazon on Thursday.

I started reading it and couldn’t stop!!  It is amazing that you write about what I have believed all my life.  So for me your book is uplifting and inspiring, thank you for writing it and persisting with its publication.

I have reviewed it on Amazon, here is what I wrote.

I found this book inspirational.  Gary writes about everything I have believed in all my life and inspires us to look deeper within ourselves to find contentment from within.  Having met Gary, I feel his style of writing mirrors him, warm and friendly helpful and enlightening.  I read this book in one day and felt Gary had fused some of his energy into the words on the pages. 

I have tried to read similar books in the past but found I could not relate to what the writer was saying at all. 

This book however, is easy to read and for me opens up thinking on many subjects, giving us examples and ideas as to how we may grow and aspire to help ourselves and others.

Gary shows us that the answers lie within ourselves and we only have to dig a bit deeper to unlock them. 

I went to work and bubbled over with enthusiasm for what I had read.  I have recommended this book to my workmates and friends.  Thanks Gary for such inspiration.  

So now I am setting about putting this into practice with myself.  I need to stop harping on about stuff and take a different perspective.  I have given my help to someone and perhaps they may have taken that help a little for granted but I need to change that perspective and see that I have given with a good heart and unconditionally.  That helps me allot.

Thank you.

I hope you are well.

Take care



Everyone must read

Mutturaj Hulagabal

As it is the best book I ever read

Hi Gary, How are you? I hope you are healthy and doing well. I need to know if I buy a book today if you could post it today by special next day delivery. It is someone special birthday tomorrow. and I think he needs to read your book. As it is the best book I ever read. Kisses and Hugs and thank you again for the help you offered with this book


The author is unknown to the reviewer

This is an independent review for which no payment or other consideration has been received. The author is unknown to the reviewer.

Coming from a background in fusty experimental psychology, reviewing this book posed me a challenge, it being in the tradition of folk psychology and folk healing. This is the realm of cognitive therapy, yet it’s not a textbook, it’s a distillation of traditional wisdom. There’s no question that everyone can change their cognitions – beliefs, thoughts and emotional reactions – for the better, and re-examining obstructive beliefs from time to time is a healthy habit. Does this book facilitate this? In addition to the usual considerations, such as production standard, literacy, readability and entertainment value, I examined whether it can deliver what it promises on the cover – the opportunity of a new beginning? The answer would depend on the skill of the author is persuading the reader, me, into a place where I can, and want, to change my maladaptive beliefs, and thereby change my future. The first four paragraphs set out the basis of cognitive therapy in an intuitively accessible way using an understandable metaphor; then a further 230 pages follow. Did reading this book give me pause to re-examine my beliefs? Did it suggest ways to usefully improve them? Did it leave me more optimistic about my future? Yes, it did. I can honestly say that as well as being entertaining, well written and edited, it delivers what it says on the front cover.

Xerxes Xu 

There’s a chapter for everyone

A great introduction to the changing world that we live in, opening new horizons to the way we think and act. There’s a chapter for everyone which can be of guidance and wisdom. Gary is empathic to the changing vibrations of the universe and can be described as the new guru of self development and growth. A must read.


This book was sent to me via Gary Markwick for a honest and fair review

This book was sent to me via Gary Markwick for a honest and fair review. This book was great for those looking to improve their spirituality. It was a great read and could really use parts to relate in my own life. While reading this you definitely will get a better understanding of life and what is important to you. I recommend this to those who are looking to work on spirituality. A great job he did incorporating stories into this book. I enjoyed the journey one man went on to gain insight into a book to find out the mystery of the book!

Paula Mitchell

This is a spiritual self-help book

This is a spiritual self-help book that covers some very interesting topics that will help the reader gain spiritual knowledge and awareness, that will change the way you think about life and really make you think about all aspects of life and how we can bring out the best in ourselves to help us live more fulfilling lives and to understand life much better. This is a really amazing book to read. It gives you a really good insight into life. I personally can take a lot from what Gary says in this book and learn from it to help me grow and develop more as a person and use this in my everyday life. I am certain this will be the same for all who read this book. The book is easy to read, no long jargon; everything is explained and easy to understand. This is one of the best spiritual self-help and awareness books I have ever read. It you are looking to be inspired, enlightened and uplifted then this is the book for you.

Nikki Bywater

Very interesting book for everyone

Very interesting book for everyone who is starting to acknowledge spiritual aspect of their life. Although I was familiar with most of the topics in the book, there is a great message throughout the chapters. Reminders who we really are and how does everything we do and think affect what we receive. I love the short stories and useful exercises about gratitude, visualization and meditation. I use this book as a reminder how to handle negative situations, how to relax and let go, how to just be in the moment, how to feel good and trust myself. I would love if the author had written little more about his experiences in the exercises for raising our vibrations, but the information he gave us is a great starting point for anyone who finds them useful enough to start researching. Title of the book says so much about what you can expect in the book – there is just now and that’s all that is really important. Remember, you are not a human was, or a human will be; you are a human being.


‘Now It Begins’ by Gary Markwick, is such an excellent Spiritual self-help book

‘Now It Begins’ by Gary Markwick, is such an excellent Spiritual self-help book and it is written with such warmth, honesty and sincerity with each subject, or topic, clearly explained. The layout makes it very easy to read and I really love the style that Gary uses because it allows what has been written, to really sink in. I have read many self-help books but I have to say that, to date, this is one of the best I have ever read. It is truly inspirational and I cannot praise this book highly enough. It deserve to be a BESTSELLER! There is a tremendous amount covered, even alternative therapies, and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is interested life and Enlightenment and how to improve ones awareness. Even the autobiography was very interesting and I really enjoyed reading about this remarkable individual. In short, ‘Now It Begins’ is Inspirational, educational and gives the reader food for thought. I feel it is a must for everyone interested in learning how to know who we truly are and how to go about achieving this, which in turn will improve the quality of our lives.

Maureen Stephens

Now It Begins by Gary Markwick is a motivational book

Now It Begins by Gary Markwick is a motivational book on how to use the law of attraction. He explains some of the steps from a different angle, complete with quirky illustrations from his own experience. In fact, it’s very clear the author has lived a very conscious spiritual life, which lends credibility to his advice. Markwick’s book is suitable for spiritual newbies as well as people who have extensive spiritual practices and knowledge; everyone who reads Now It Begins will be able to glean something from his words and be able to apply it to his or her life. The framework for his book is presented in the beginning pages. He writes about how we are all going through a shift on the planet and how we need to flow with our life lessons instead of holding onto things after they have served a purpose. The author reminds us that if we don’t learn how to move forward, we will miss out on opportunities for happiness. Markwick also offers supplemental advice on how to go within and trust one’s feelings and the importance of meditation and detaching from the outside world. He also cautions us to be careful what we wish for. However, our mind and emotions have the power to draw our dreams into our waking lives. His explanations about all of these issues are very interesting and well-defined. There were many times I wanted more information, such as how to interpret our specific emotions in reference to life situations and people. Also, Markwick could have presented even more healing modalities. However, probably entire books could be written on those topics alone. Perhaps Markwick is writing those right now. I recommend this book to all those who want to improve their lives. I’ll leave you with a beautiful inspirational quote from this book: “Plant the seeds, water them, but do not keep digging them up, allow them to grow!

Theresa Braun

I’m so in love with Now it Begins

 Golden Eagle  Oct 19, 2012

I’m so in love with Now it Begins, it’s one of the rare treasures that explain a lot of crucial things in a very simple manner that everyone can benefit from. It’s not a book to read and forget, it’s an overall self help that will help the reader in connecting with body, mind and soul. It was interesting to find such a vast array of topics shared in one book including the personal experiences of the author that makes it easy to connect with it. I enjoyed everything in the book as all the topics were of my interest, law of attraction, palmistry, hypnotherapy and so on. There are very simple ways given to connect with yourself at a deeper level and incorporate spirituality in everyday routine. I recommend this book to everyone, no matter if you’re taking first steps towards spirituality or already into it.. it will help everyone in reconnecting with yourself and expand in love.

 Golden Eagle   

Five stars go to Gary Markwick’s Now It Begins

Five stars go to Gary Markwick’s Now It Begins, a compendium of spiritual truths for any reader regardless of deity. Markwick’s book consists of ten phases meant to help readers turn inward so they can better distinguish the reality of spirit from the illusion of the mind to gain personal happiness. Markwick’s sharing is deeply personal and heartfelt and Now It Begins is a reflection of his life journey and spiritual reawakening. Moreover, it’s the result of his knowing that the only way to move forward spiritually is to connect with others and love unconditionally. Only in this way can we collectively make the world a better place for all. Reading Now It Begins is, on its own, a journey. Whether you are spiritually searching or already awake, Markwick’s book will speak to you. He casts a wide net and touches on so many spiritual topics that he is bound to spark a new knowing or reinforce an important truth. One of the messages I heard loud and clear was that we should never allow ourselves to feel like victims. Victimization, after all, is merely a frame of mind — a personal judgment of self. Markwick emphasizes the importance of acceptance and looking for the learning in every situation. That’s a lesson we all tend to forget – especially when life is in an up cycle. Markwick’s sensitive spirit is felt in his stories, told through parable and personal experience. His sense of caring for others and the world around him is genuine and stirring. Best of all, his words are gentle yet powerfully spirit-filled. I highly recommend this book for any reader who desires to walk a spiritual path or is simply curious. As Markwick says, “Each person’s realization is different from another’s; the key is to find your own.” Now It Begins is the perfect step in the right direction.

Sheila Callaham

(I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.)

I was really happy to be able to read and review this book because over the last few years, I have really benefited from spiritual self-help books like The Four Agreements and Spirited. After finishing Now It Begins, I would describe the book as being like New Age 101, almost like a hodgepodge of New Age beliefs and practices. It touches on a vast array of things like The Law of Attraction, Karma, past lives, learning life lessons, letting go, connecting with a higher self, meditation, yoga, chakras, Kundalini, etc. Since the author covers so many topics, he doesn’t go very in-depth in any particular one of them. I’d actually like to see him take one of the subjects and devote an entire book to it. I think he could incorporate his knowledge of a topic, the history of it, and his own experience with it, and make some insightful, separate works. I felt like I got to know Gary Markwick as a person through reading this book, almost as if a friend were talking to me and giving me guidance and/or information on topics I was curious about. He also seems to have lived quite the interesting life, and I enjoyed the personal stories he included throughout the book to coincide with certain teachings. I also liked the parables from different cultures that he included. Aside from some minor grammatical errors, the book was easy to read, and I especially enjoyed the pictures! Overall, if you are curious about the philosophies and practices of New Age spiritualism and you’d like to learn about the basics without going too in-depth on any one topic, then this book is for you.

C.J. Sullivan Oct 18, 2012

This book is interesting because

I like reading self help books because you never know when you’re going to come across something which will really improve your life. This book is interesting because it covers so many different aspects of self help and alternative thinking and healing. The most important thing about it is that it emphasises the fact, which is often overlooked, that you can only change yourself, not others. It is arranged in ten sections: Phase One – changing your life Phase Two – changing the way you think Phase Three – allowing, accepting and achieving Phase Four – being in the present moment Phase Five – feeling good about yourself Phase Six – being content Phase Seven – sixth sense Phase Eight – cycles of life Phase Nine – now is the only time Phase Ten – the higher self There are also some stories to illustrate the points made and a short autobiography of the author. I really liked the way the author concentrated on improvement in the here and now, because ‘now’ is all we have. There are sections on forgiving people from our past and moving on so that the lack of forgiveness does not poison the present. The section on how thinking affects your life was also interesting and definitely worth trying even if you don’t completely believe it will work. There is a section on stress and how it affects us physically and mentally. I found the section on being content of particular interest to me. It is so easy to concentrate on plans you’ve made for the future and end up feeling discontented about the present or to focus on the bad things in your life and lose sight of the good things. Contentment is worth having even if to many people in the modern world it seems a boring idea. The book touches on things such as alternative healing methods, the sixth sense we all have and coincidences and synchronicity. The section on cycles of life is interesting and may prompt to reader to look into the subject in more depth as will the section on the higher self. This is a useful book for anyone who is not sure where to start with the self help, alternative healing, alternative belief systems fields. There are so many books out there on all these subjects that many will be daunted by the choices available. This book gives you a taste of and puts all the ideas into the context of one person’s life so that the reader gets an idea of how things might work for them.


Now It Begins” will awaken your spirit

“Now It Begins” will awaken your spirit with words that flow like running water (natural tranquillity) and unforgettable visual images and stories (bold resonance); Gary Markwick is truly an authentically gifted linguistic and visual storyteller. Gary will challenge you to be the transformed snail – – – have a dream, use the power of positive intention to manifest your dream, “let go” of the outcome (detachment) and live calmly in the present, and “Accept” the consequences. When we embrace uncertainty and change, fear no longer controls and limits our future potential, and freedom is ours. Gary’s heartfelt journey to Truth is one of hope, faith, fortitude, flexibility, resiliency, and resourcefulness. May you be blessed by Gary’s healing energy, and embrace your own personal transformation and spiritual journey now! Thank you, Gary, for sharing, NOW IT BEGINS, with me and so many others!

Sheri Carlson, Creative Founder ✭ Chief Inspirationalist ✭ Aspiring Author ✭Insightful Scientist® @ Lotus Lynx

This was an awesome read

This was an awesome read Gary gives you an amazing insight into life.There are amazing topics to help and allow the reader to really get into and gain spiritual awareness. I couldn’t put the book down and found it was a great and truly inspiring!It is uplifting and helps the reader and even leaves the reader feeling with a better understanding on life.

Venesa milek

This book is a must for everyone

finished the book..great read. This book is a must for everyone and I can’t say enough good things. It is an easy read that helps one dig deeper into their own spirituality and it offers ways to make life have more purpose. I’ve always been intrigued with the “Laws of Attraction” and believe everyone has it in themselves to make it work. The information in here is a good reminder on what’s truly important because most of us already realize that this life is but a short journey and not a final destination. Currently reading this book and I don’t usually review until I’m totally finished but I wanted to just say…this book awesome so far! It is such an easy read and so fascinating that I have to make sure there are no distractions for me as I continue to absorb the information ( distractions, ie my kids, noise, etc). The messages in the book are clear and make so much sense! Anyway, I have always been fascinated with the the “Laws of Attraction” and lately, my own spirituality has certainly grown, but I’ve allowed some negativity into my life, making me tense, stressed, etc.. And I totally believe this book has come at a time when I seriously need it. So, thank you Gary for introducing me to this book; I’m not even halfway done and I can’t say enough good things!

Kristen Middleton

HIGHLY recommended to all!

‘Now it Begins’ fuses everything you need to know when approaching any spiritual level of self-healing, new, healthier and more positive ways to assess and approach feelings and situations, understanding, and simply a way to help your soul evolve. Its easy to understand and practice and you can really relate it to everything you feel and have ever experienced. Everything Gary teaches and believes makes so much sense and can be adapted to everyone’s way of life and belief system. If everybody thought and felt this way and used this book as a guide, the souls of this world would be much happier, peaceful and content. All you need is love and light 🙂 HIGHLY recommended to all! Thanks for writing this wonderful book Gary xxxx

Haley- Marie

Book Reviews – British Astrological and Psychic Society

I enjoyed Gary”s easy-to- read and well written distillation of spiritual philosophy along with practical exercises to leading a more positive life towards spiritual awareness. I particularly liked the Eastern approach to his presentation with the addition of entertaining stories – either as teaching parables or the sharing of his own experiences – to illustrate his points. Gary’s personal story is also very intriguing and enjoyable to read. His personal journey is remarkable and inspiring. I would recommend the book as a good reminder for those on the path as well as for those at the beginning of their search.

Nina Ashby Chairman of the British Astrological and Psychic Society

The book is great

Hi Gary, I met you last Sunday in Camden when you read my hands and I also bought your book! I just want to say the book is great. I started today and I haven’t stopped till page 103. And I just keep on thinking I need to be positive!!. Thank you so much!


I`m reading your book at the moment, love it so much

“Hello Gary, what a shame I won’t be here for your book signing at WH Smiths. I’m reading your book at the moment, love it so much. I want to thank you for writing it, so inspiring; everybody on this planet should read it. I hope you sell lots of copies, good luck. Love xxxx”


An honest portrayal of one man’s journey to Truth

Now It Begins is an honest portrayal of one man’s journey to Truth. Its heart warming reflection of the path of his awakening reminds our conscious minds of what our souls already know, that we are all One with Source. As you use some of the tools Gary Markwick generously shares, let it begin now, with you.www.lightworkersmethod.com

Lynn McGonagill Author of The Lightworkers Healing Method:

BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be.


Wow!! I loved this book, what a great read. I was especially impressed because I’m not the kind of person who normally goes for the self help/self improvement thingy. I usually get bored with those kind of books and give up after reading about 20 pages, but I must say ‘Now it Begins’ Now It Begins was a different experience, I read it from cover to cover. Gary Markwick has a relaxed style and has found a way to instil confidence in the reader and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve the way they relate to the world.

Armchair Critic


On discovering Gary Markwicks new book I found it very inspiring and really hope that other people will find it as inspiring as I did.


Great Book

I really wanted to read this book so bought a Kindle, and it was worth every penny (for the book and the Kindle!). It brings in concepts I have read and experienced from other books (Susan Jeffers, Benjamin Hoff, Tony Robbins to name a few) but Gary brings them all together in a very approachable way, and then moves off into areas of spirituality I have not experienced before. I really liked the way Gary brought in his own experiences as this helped with understanding. However, some of his concepts were a bit off my radar but as Gary says ‘I may not be ready for it yet’; I am sure after some time and maybe a couple more reads that it will come into context. The final part relating his upbringing was really interesting as it gave me an insight into the choices that Gary has made through his journey.


As we should say NOW IT BEGINS…

Dear ALL, As one of the biggest fan of Gary I must say the book is mirror image of him. I met Gary personally, I had palm reading, Reiki and still in touch. He becomes a healer of you who comforts you at needs and the book does the same. I found many valuable suggestions for difficult time I am going through and I cant thank him enough for writing this. One of the most important lessons that I got was, before any change takes place we go through a stage of confusion and it helps me calm myself down at my difficult times. I really wish Gary gets the recognition of one of the best writer and along with his angel like personality I also wish that this is just start of something new and exciting for Gary….as we should say NOW IT BEGINS…


Highly recommended to everyone. Spread the word!

Really great book, making you want to make a change into better. Push up sometimes is all you need right? 🙂 There is a lot of wisdom in it and some phrases are classic and worth writing down and reading it once in a while. Basically, if you want to make your life better- start from the inside, and that is what this book refers to. Highly recommended to everyone. Spread the word!


It was easy to read, interesting and inspirational.

I met Gary in Camden market recently and had a brief reading with him. I found that he had a very calming energy about him. I bought and read his book within 2 days which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was easy to read, interesting and inspirational. It reinforced the importance of living in the present and to try and give truly from your heart. I will be recommending his book to others.


Read it!

I don’t usually read these sorts of “self help” books but I had met Gary and found him to be really interesting and I was curious about the book so I downloaded it, and was glad I did! I enjoyed reading it and it made me think about different aspects of my life and things that I could do to improve my life which I don’t think I would have had I not read it. Read it!


The style is enjoyable – simple and comprehensive and yet sophisticated.

I’ve already recommended “Now It Begins” to a couple of friends and highly recommend it to everyone who is concerned to develop spiritually. The book covers miscellaneous issues thus everyone will find their topics of higher interest. As for me all the topics are equally interesting and I enjoyed reading Gary’s interpretation of the facts. The style is enjoyable – simple and comprehensive and yet sophisticated. When I was reading the book I had the feeling that it had been written especially for me, or that the book has been written by me. Sorry, Gary, I’ve meant it to be a compliment for you…:) I just wanted to say that your book reaches the hearts of the readers. Thank you to the author and to everyone involved in the process of creating this product! Good luck to you! P.S. I’m flattered to be the first one to write the review of the future best seller!!!:)


I found this book inspiring

I found this book inspirational. Gary writes about everything I have believed in all my life and inspires us to look deeper within ourselves to find contentment from within. Having met Gary, I feel his style of writing mirrors him, warm and friendly helpful and enlightening. I read this book in one day and felt Gary had fused some of his energy into the words on the pages. I have tried to read similar books in the past but found I could not relate to what the writer was saying at all. This book however, is easy to read and for me opens up thinking on many subjects, giving us examples and ideas as to how we may grow and aspire to help ourselves and others. Gary shows us that the answers lie within ourselves and we only have to dig a bit deeper to unlock them. I went to work and bubbled over with enthusiasm for what I had read. I have recommended this book to my workmates and friends. Thanks Gary for such inspiration.


Beautiful book

Now It Begins is a beautiful book. I’ve read it from cover to cover three times now and there is always something new to learn and discover.

Mike Mason